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Languages I can contribute in
Wikipedia Babel
hy Հայերենը այս անձի մայրենի լեզուն է:
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
ru-3 Этот участник свободно владеет русским языком.
Կաղապար:User es-1



Website: www.RubenVardanyan.com


  • 1994 - 2004 Pushkin School                Yerevan - Armenia

Diploma with excellence

  • 2004 - …. Yerevan State University    Yerevan - Armenia

Computer Science and Applied Mathematics


  • Armenian
  • Russian
  • English
  • Spanish


  • 2002 - 2004 Pushkin School  Yerevan - Armenia

Network Administrator

  • 2006 - ....       ISMO Tech       Yerevan - Armenia

Senior Developer

  • Coauthor of the book “Principles of C++” (in Armenian)
  • Author of the book “Programming in Macromedia Flash ActionScript” (in English)


  • Authorization System based on Message Digest Algorithm
  • Content Management System in PHP
  • Shopping Cart with ability to accept online payments
  • 3D Engine based on DirectX 9 (both in VC++ and VB)
  • 3D Model Maker based on DirectX 9
  • Software Activation System via Internet
  • Computer protection software (file & folder encryption, OS protection, key logging…)
  • Software for Microsoft® Windows® Mobile™ platform (Pocket PC and Smartphones)
  • New RAD (Rapid Application Development) programming language both for professionals and amateurs, built on Microsoft® Visual Basic™ technology.
  • “Lens Builder” program in Java for viewing the path of the beam through lenses
  • Software for administrators for controlling the PCs in the network. (especially designed for internet clubs and companies)
  • Full Search Engine system with functionality for searching and crawling pages either ASCII or Unicode and also with functionality to convert pages to UTF-8 format from ARMSCII (especially designed for searching pages in Armenian zone).



Programming Languages

  • C, C++, Visual C++, MASM, TASM
  • C#, Visual Basic, Java, .NET Framework, .Net Compact Framework
  • ASP, PHP, JavaScript, VBScript, JSP, HTML, DHTML, SQL, SVG, XML


  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server

Third Patry Libraries

  • DirectX (All versions)
  • Flash DLL – Macromedia Flash Plugin
  • VeriSign’s PayFlow Pro DLL – Payment Processing System
  • MySQL++ - MySQL interface for ANSI C++
  • Modem – ATDT Commands, communication, etc.
  • Bar Code Reader
  • 3D Max Studio
  • Macromedia Flash (including ActionScript)
  • Microsoft Word, Access, Excel (have experience in programming for this software)
  • Macromedia Fireworks, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop


  • SMTP
  • TCP
  • UDP
  • FTP
  • HTTP
  • SSL
  • POP3
  • DHCP
  • Authorization Systems
  • MD5
  • Triple DES
  • DES
  • RC4

Operating Systems

  • Microsoft® Windows® 95 and later
  • Microsoft® Windows® Mobile™
  • Red Hat Linux
  • DOS
  • Microsoft IIS
  • Apache
  • Tomcat
  • DNS (A, CNAME, MX, … records)


  • Computers, sport, books, games.